Monday 31 December 2012

Personal Best of 2012

As the year draws to a close, peoples thoughts tend to drift over the previous twelve months and assess the highs and lows. As this is my blog and I can write what I want, I thought I'd put together a little list of my personal moments of the year. Feel free to disagree or remind me of things I may have forgotten. I am not the most memory-savvy guy around.

 - Gigs, gigs and more gigs.

I know this is a bit of a cheat but if I separated all of the gigs I have been to this year, they'd take up the whole bloody list. Over the last year I've seen Dawes at Dingwalls, The Boss, John Fogerty etc. at Hyde Park, Gary Clark Jr. in Shoreditch, Rival Sons at The Electric Ballroom and The North Mississippi Allstars at The Borderline. There were others but you get the idea. I didn't see a single duff gig all year. My eyes and ears were opened to some great talent and most importantly it made me realise that I must always be trying to raise my game. As a musician this is vital. If you stop being inspired, you might as well give up. There is so much great live music out there so there should never be any excuses. Look, Listen and Learn as they say.

 - The Cricket

Anyone who knows me will know that I do get a bit obsessed by watching the game and this year was no different. England had a very topsy turvy year and Kent didn't do the business so it wasn't a vintage year. We lost the top ranking to South Africa and then went on to beat India in their own back yard. Go figure. The highlight for me though, was going to see England play S.A. at the Oval. My sister got me tickets for christmas last year and it was an inspired gift. I had a lovely day, Cook scored a ton and the sun even came out. To top it all off, I got followed on Twitter by 'the beer snake'. Result!

 - Great albums

It was a good year for Milos ears, this year. The new Rival Sons album was a belter, as was the latest Justin Townes Earl, Ryan Bingham, Howlin' Rain, Tedeschi Trucks, Black Keys and Tom Waits. One of the great things about the internet is the choice it gives you and the access to such a broad spectrum of music. I wouldn't have been aware of half the stuff I now listen to on a daily basis if it weren't for the web. I just wish that there was more time in the day to listen to it all.

 - Family and Friends

When it comes down to it, this is the most important. I'm a lucky bugger to have such good mates and to be part of such a talented family. It never ceases to amaze me that I haven't pissed them all off by now. I really must try harder to be a better human being.
In the last week or so I have managed to spend a great deal of time with my loved ones and it has been an absolute treat. Friends have returned from far flung places and we managed to get the family all in one room which is a rare thing indeed.
The family have outdone themselves again. One of my sisters has been off singing professionally  around the world while the other one has played some very high profile gigs and can even be seen on the BBC over christmas. My brother released his second album and I had the privilege of playing at his launch party in Manchester while my mother continues to write bestselling books at an alarming rate. My pride in their achievements can never be overstated.
As for my friends, they know who they are and what they've done. I only hope they know how much they mean to me.

So that is it for 2012. Lets see what the new year has in store. As Tennessee Williams wrote:

The future is called "perhaps," which is the only possible thing to call the future.  And the only important thing is not to allow that to scare you.  


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