Tuesday, 13 September 2022

The Queens Death and the Fallout For Musicians

 I’m reading lots of different opinions on the cancellation of gigs this last weekend. Many people understood and accepted it whilst others have become very angry and are demanding compensation.

I think this discussion is far more nuanced than some people realise.
We musicians are at the bottom of a very precarious food chain. Entertainment is a luxury. It’s the first thing to be kicked into the long grass when the shit hits the fan. Pubs, restaurants, bars etc have faced unprecedented hardship over the last few years and it shows no sign of letting up any time soon.

Pubs are shutting at an alarming rate. The cost of energy is making this winter seem insurmountable for a great many venues and that's a scary prospect for a lot of us. Therefore I appreciate the anger at having a gig cancelled over the death of someone you don't even know but we have to be understanding of the circumstances.

Pubs don't tend to cancel events for the sake of it. They weigh up their options and the pros & cons. Will the neighbours get upset and complain? This can lead to the cancellation of all entertainment at their venue. Will the punters not turn up or get offended? This can lead to a loss of revenue and therefore again, the cancellation of all entertainment.
We musicians rely on venues to support us. Venues rely on punters to support them. We must be flexible and understanding.

I'm not saying that we should charge less or play longer sets etc but a little understanding of the pressures faced by everyone will certainly help in getting us ALL through this tough time.
Yes of course there will always be venues that will try and rip you off but then I've seen plenty of bands who charge for their services and really shouldnt. There's always a few bad apples but let's all make sure that we aren't one of them.

Sorry for the epic nature of this but I feel it needs to be said.
A little more love and a lot less hate.

Cheers, Milo x