Monday, 22 September 2014

Lists etc.

There's a trend over on Facebook for putting up lists of favourite movies, albums etc. so in the interests of posterity I am reposting the 'best albums' one here. Cheers!

A mate asked me the question, what are my favourite albums and why so here we go..
1. Sticky Fingers - Rolling Stones. A far more concise, tough and solid album than 'Exile' which always gets the attention. It's full of great riffs and in 'Sway' has the best guitar solo of any Stones tune.
2. Late For The Sky - Jackson Browne. If I could write just one song one tenth as good as this collection, I'd die a happy man.
3. Fire & Water - Free. The best album by my favourite (british) guitarist. Only 7 tracks long and each one is a blinder. Side one opens with the title track, side two opens with 'Mr Big' and the whole thing ends on 'All Right Now'. Top stuff.
4. Tunnel of Love - Bruce Springsteen. A hugely underrated album by the Boss and one I keep coming back to. 'Cautious Man' is probably my favourite song of his entire catalogue.
5. Southern Harmony & Musical Companion - Black Crowes. Best guitar sounds of any album ever. If you're a sad '70s rock head, you'll love it.
6. Boomers Story - Ry Cooder. It's hard to pick a single Ry Cooder album but at gun point I'd choose this one. Although even as I type this I'm thinking of changing it to 'Paradise & Lunch'.
7. Freewheelin' - Bob Dylan. I learnt every track of this album. 'Girl From the North Country', 'Hard Rains Gonna Fall', 'Don't Think Twice It's All Right' etc. I was tempted to choose 'Blood on the Tracks' but I think this one just shaves it because its influence on me as a young man.
8. Rain Dogs - Tom Waits. The great starting point for anyone wanting to get in to the crazy world of Waits. It's one of those rare albums that gets better with every listen. It's worth the price of admission for 'Time' alone.
9. The Bends - Radiohead. A nostalgic choice for the memories it conjures up when ever I listen to it. Undoubtedly Radioheads most melodic album.
10. Hideaway - Freddie King. The most influential guitarist on me. My uncle Rob sent me this on cassette when I first started learning the guitar. I listened to it until my walkman chewed it up. I have subsequently purchased several more copies on different formats. I know it's a compilation but I don't care. It's bloody brilliant.

So there you have it. This list is only the tip of a huge iceberg and is subject to change at any time depending on my mood. Feel free to criticise, question or otherwise stick your oar in.