Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Half Way Through

It is the midway point of the Christmas season and the same old problems arise. Too much food, too much sitting around, too many late nights and maybe just a tiny bit of drinking. This all leads to a huge feeling of slothfulness that is very hard to shake off.

The desire to sit and do nothing is compounded by the stacks of books & DVDs that I have received. Do I go out shopping or watch another episode of 30 Rock?

Actually, come to think of it.... why am I even writing this? I have 2011 Ashes DVDs to watch...

Cheery Bye!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Wind, Rain and Delivery Men

I sit here, waiting for yet another delivery and wondering if this whole internet christmas thing is such a good idea. Yes, you can find pretty much anything on the old 'super-highway' but it isn't without its own problems.

I first started ordering gifts online about seven years ago. Within a couple of years, "Sorry your present hasn't arrived yet" became a familiar chant in the Cookman household on December 25th. There were always two or three gifts that remained MIA until some time in January. There was also the danger of it being the wrong thing/size and the problems of sending it back. In the old days, you simply kept the receipt and handed it over to the person (in my dads case, he simply gave my mum the receipt and not the present as he thought it would be quicker) so they could go to the shop and exchange it. It's not that simple with Amazon etc.

This brings me to the modern joy of christmas. The Delivery Dance. It's a series of complex moves, carried out between you and the postman.

Firstly, don't even think about ordering anything from a company that doesn't use Royal Mail. These other delivery companies seem to be on a 'no-delivery' bonus system. The more times they fail to deliver your package, the more money they get. That can be the only explanation for it. I've seen them writing out the little "Sorry" cards while still sat in the van. I don't think the packages are even on board. Just stacks of "Sorry" cards. This is after you've taken a day off work to sit right next to the bloody door. Hand hovering by the door-handle. Flask of tea and a bucket for emergencies, by your side. Too scared to get the washing out of the machine that you stupidly put on hours ago and will soon need re-washing. The online parcel-tracking software telling you it left the depot this morning at 6am (it is now 3:30pm). No matter what you do, you WILL miss the delivery. This means a trip to their depot in Aberdeen to get your matchbox-sized parcel, that was apparently too big for your letterbox but it's only open every second wednesday.

This brings me on to the Royal Mail and Parcel Farce. They have the bonus of having (at least at the moment) sorting offices all over the place. This is very handy. You miss your delivery as you knew you would because the postie now comes at two in the afternoon instead of early in the morning but you get one of those nice red cards. I'm lucky that my sorting office is only a few streets away (at least at the moment) so you would think that it's all plain sailing. Wrong.
The nice card informs me that I can pick up my "packet" any time after 24hours have elapsed, between the hours of 8am and 1pm, for the next 7 days accept sunday. So I inform my boss that I'll be late to work and next morning, head to the sorting office. The queue stretches out the door, down the ramp and along the side of the building. This is at 8am on the dot. Luckily I am english and therefore, good at queueing. At around 8:30am I get to the front door from where I can see people talking with the staff about what their parcel might look like, who might have sent it and why they can't come back tomorrow to do this all again. It's then I notice a sign on the wall about Christmas Extended Opening Times........ 8am until 3pm ...............

*takes a second to calm down*

The reason people miss their delivery at 3 in the sodding afternoon is because they are still at sodding work. Keeping the sodding sorting office open for a few extra hours in the sodding afternoon isn't going to make one iota of sodding difference. If you work for a living and can't pick up a parcel at midday, what difference does three in the sodding afternoon make? There's a queue around the block at eight in the morning. Does this not tell you something?

*slow intake of breath*

Anyway, the gigs are going well. Three this weekend and a few more over christmas. Hope to see you at one or more of them. It's ok, I'm calm again now.

.....Oooh, is that the door?

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Solo but Snotty

Performed a nice little support slot for Fish (he of Marillion) in the East Quay in Whitstable, last night. I don't get to play on my own very often so its always a nice change.
The bad part about it was my cold. I'm sure other performers will know that feeling when you wake up with no nose usage.
"Oh Bugger!"
So you run to the chemist, buy EVERYTHING and hope you don't accidentally overdose.
Then you have that weird period where you convince yourself that the drugs are working. That is then replaced by the feeling that it's not the drugs, you were just getting better anyway. That feeling is finally replaced by the acknowledgement that it was the drugs but you are now not sure which one of the three it was. Only thing to do is carry on and hope the side-effects that are listed on the packet, don't kick in.
Well, lucky for me I got through the gig. It was a strange sensation, being bunged-up. It felt like playing under water. Not that I have any first hand experience of that but I'm guessing. My voice slowly returned, just in time for the last song. All's well that ends well.

Ok, time to see if a pint of beer works as well as Beechams.


Thursday, 24 November 2011


I'm sat writing this in the corner of the Ship Centurion. The wi-fi at home is currently out of action so I am having to think of new ways of sharing my thoughts. The Ship seemed as good a place as any to 'twiddle-the-keys' and I get to have a pint as well. Bargain!
The christmas chaos has started. Asking for ideas from various family members while desperately trying to think of things that I want. Neither of these things are very easily accomplished. All the things we want are either too crap or (usually) too expensive. Books, perfume, CDs etc. are starting to become as cliched as socks, ties and sweaters.
My ideas are lacking any imagination so far. I blame the weather/economy. It seems as though as we get older, our excitement at giving/receiving presents slowly wanes. I used to be an ideas machine but no more. It's all quite sad.
Anyway, I have 31 days to get my arse in gear so you never know. If you have any ideas, please share them with me. You never know, it might be an absolute face-saver.

Saturday, 19 November 2011


It's been a while since I last put finger to keyboard so I apologise to anyone who has been upset by my absence. I know no one cares but I feel I should say things like that to make me look important.
Anyway, nothing of any interest has happened in bloody ages. Work has been slow and steady. Gigs have been plentiful but not that inspiring. I'm beginning to think I might need a change of scenery. I might turn my bed the other way or even put up some curtains. My options are endless.
If anyone out there has anything exciting to tell me, please get in touch. Although I am useless at getting back to people (sorry mum) I do love getting messages. It's always nice to get something in your inbox which isn't from a lingerie company (god knows how they got my address) or an Amazon 50% sale.

If anyone is interested, I have been listening to a lot of good old music recently. Buying lots of box-sets by different artists. The Warren Zevon Original Album series is a must have. The Los Lobos one is pretty awesome too. I've been rocking out to Rival Sons and Vintage Trouble, getting down to some vintage Commodores and reading a book while listening to the Civil Wars. It's all good, people. Any music, book or film ideas are always welcome.
