Thursday, 17 June 2010

Sultans of Whinge

So you go down to your local to watch a band. I say band, it's just a duo but who's counting?
The band are playing and the pub is reasonably full. The only thing is, the punters couldn't give two shits about the band and the band don't seem to give two shits about the audience.
There are several reasons for this. The first is that it's smack-bang in the middle of the world cup. That's nobodys fault. Shit happens etc. The second and more important reason is a lack of respect.
If a band turns up to play a gig with no fire in their belly or passion in their hearts, an audience can tell. If a band turn up and play 'Brown Eyed Girl', 'Sultans of Swing' and 'Johnny B Goode', people will switch off.
It's not rocket science.
....or maybe it is?
If you don't love what you do, how can you expect anyone else to?
I don't know why it gets my goat. It just does.
Moan, gripe, grumble, complain etc.

Ah, well. Lets not think about it too much, eh?

I'm off to learn some Chuck Berry numbers. Ta ta!

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Let It Loose

So I thought I'd start a blog. Not sure why and up until half an hour ago, wasn't sure how.
I'm not sure if ego comes in to a blog because you can't be sure that anyone cares and if you start to worry, then you are doomed. I guess it's one of those things you try. As long as you stay honest, nothing terrible will happen..... famous last words.
I kind of like the idea of me sat here, typing away on my lap-top, while Chuck Norris kills people on my telly. The mixed sounds of AK-47s and tappity-tap keyboards is quite funny. (it's "Missing In Action" by the way). Although it can be kind of distracting, most of us (including Chuck) multi-task all the time so I shouldn't complain.
I should put some music on too. That way I can have the kind of sensory overload that stops you sleeping for days. Facebook, TV, Blog, Stereo. Maybe I should start texting or even Tweeting? Dear lord, too many ways to tell absolutely no one in particular that I am doing nothing in particular.
Phew, Rock'n'Roll!
Anyway, Chuck has just jumped out of the water and shot a dozen bad guys and I've only managed to polish off a flake and a becks. It makes you feel a bit crap, really.
More tea, chuck?